YC Startup Pitch Patterns: Analyzing Solution Pitch Tree Responses

How to Interpret This Tree

This tree diagram visualizes the patterns in how AI startups structure their pitch narratives based on an analysis of YCombinator application responses. Each node represents a key element of the pitch, and the percentages show how often that element appears at each level of the narrative structure.

This analysis helps understand how AI startups typically structure their value propositions and what elements they prioritize when pitching their ideas.

Technology 43.59%
Technology 26.15%
Technology 16.41%
Technology 11.79%
Technology 9.23%
Technology 6.15%
Technology 5.13%
Technology 2.05%
Technology 1.54%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 0.51%
CompanyName 0.51%
Industry 0.51%
AudienceProblemActionVerbPersonName 2.05%
KeyFeature 1.03%
ProblemKeyFeature 1.03%
AudienceProblem 1.03%
SolutionCompanyNameInnovationKeyFeature 2.05%
Audience 1.03%
TechnologyActionVerb 1.03%
SolutionProblemCompanyName 1.54%
Audience 1.03%
AudienceTechnology 1.03%
AudienceAdjectiveProblemKeyFeature 2.05%
ActionVerb 1.03%
TechnologyActionVerb 1.03%
Industry 1.03%
Audience 1.03%
AudienceTechnology 1.03%
Industry 3.08%
Technology 1.54%
Industry 1.03%
Technology 0.51%
Technology 0.51%
IndustryValuePropProblem 1.54%
Audience 2.05%
ActionVerbAudienceTechnologyProblem 2.05%
PersonName 1.03%
TechnologyCompanyName 1.03%
KeyFeature 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
KeyFeatureTechnology 1.03%
ActionVerb 1.03%
ActionVerb 0.51%
AdjectiveProblem 1.03%
KeyFeature 4.10%
KeyFeature 2.05%
KeyFeature 1.54%
Technology 1.03%
KeyFeatureAdjective 1.03%
KeyFeature 0.51%
Technology 0.51%
CompanyNameAdjectiveAudienceTechnology 2.05%
Industry 3.08%
Technology 2.05%
Industry 1.03%
ProblemTechnology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
IndustryTechnology 1.03%
Problem 1.03%
Problem 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
ProblemIndustry 1.03%
Audience 2.56%
Audience 1.03%
TechnologyCompanyName 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
KeyFeatureTechnology 1.03%
ActionVerb 0.51%
Problem 1.54%
Problem 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
TechnologyProblem 1.03%
Technology 0.51%
CompanyName 1.54%
Technology 1.54%
Technology 1.03%
TechnologyAudience 1.03%
CompanyName 0.51%
ValuePropActionVerbAdjective 1.54%
Solution 1.03%
TechnologyProblem 1.03%
PersonName 1.03%
ActionVerbTechnology 1.03%
CompanyName 25.13%
Technology 12.82%
Technology 6.67%
Technology 4.62%
Technology 3.08%
Technology 2.05%
Technology 1.54%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 0.51%
Industry 0.51%
ValueProp 0.51%
AudienceIndustry 1.03%
AudienceKeyFeatureCompanyName 1.54%
Industry 1.03%
ProblemPersonName 1.03%
Audience 1.03%
TechnologyKeyFeature 1.03%
Industry 1.54%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
TechnologyActionVerb 1.03%
Industry 0.51%
Problem 1.54%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
CompanyNameTechnology 1.03%
CompanyName 0.51%
Audience 1.54%
TechnologyAudience 1.03%
CompanyName 1.03%
IndustryKeyFeature 1.03%
KeyFeature 0.51%
Industry 3.59%
Audience 2.05%
Technology 1.03%
AudienceTechnology 1.03%
AudienceKeyFeature 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
TechnologyProblem 1.03%
Industry 0.51%
Audience 2.56%
TechnologySolutionMarketTaskCompanyNameAudience 2.56%
Solution 2.05%
Audience 1.03%
TechnologyValueProp 1.03%
CompanyNameIndustry 1.03%
CompanyName 1.03%
AudienceCompanyName 1.03%
Problem 1.03%
ActionVerbPersonName 1.03%
ActionVerb 1.03%
TechnologyKeyFeature 1.03%
KeyFeatureValueProp 1.03%
Solution 12.31%
Solution 5.13%
Solution 2.05%
Technology 1.03%
Technology 1.03%
ProblemActionVerb 1.03%
SolutionProblem 1.03%
Audience 1.54%
Audience 1.03%
SolutionActionVerb 1.03%
Industry 0.51%
IndustryActionVerbProblem 1.54%
Technology 2.56%
Technology 1.54%
Technology 1.03%
ProblemTechnology 1.03%
Solution 0.51%
ProblemKeyFeature 1.03%
Audience 1.54%
IndustryActionVerbSolution 1.54%
Industry 1.03%
IndustryInnovation 1.03%
CompanyName 1.03%
KeyFeatureTechnology 1.03%
Problem 0.51%
Industry 5.13%
Technology 2.05%
AdjectiveIndustryTechnologyProblem 2.05%
IndustryKeyFeatureValuePropSolution 2.05%
CompanyName 1.03%
IndustryTechnology 1.03%
Audience 4.62%
ValuePropAudienceIndustrySolutionActionVerbKeyFeature 3.08%
Technology 1.03%
MarketTaskKeyFeature 1.03%
KeyFeature 3.59%
Technology 1.54%
TechnologyKeyFeatureProblem 1.54%
KeyFeature 1.03%
AudienceKeyFeature 1.03%
ProblemActionVerb 1.03%
Problem 3.59%
Technology 1.54%
Technology 1.03%
TechnologyProblem 1.03%
Problem 1.03%
TechnologySolution 1.03%
Solution 1.03%
ProblemIndustry 1.03%
ActionVerb 1.03%
TechnologyAudience 1.03%
AdjectiveValueProp 1.03%