Privacy Implementation Notice

Key Points

  • Advanced cryptographic system protecting your financial data
  • Zero-trust privacy framework using MPC and TSS
  • Mathematical guarantee of privacy preferences
  • Third parties never access raw data

When you connect your bank account, your raw financial data remains between you and your bank. We let you control exactly how others can analyze this data, which you'll choose in the next steps.

Our Technology Framework

Silence Laboratories provides a privacy solution that enhances the security of your banking data and improves how your financial information is protected and shared. Our system creates a protected environment where your privacy choices are enforced through advanced security measures.

When you link your bank accounts through our platform, we create a secure system that automatically enforces your privacy choices. Unlike traditional systems that rely on simple permission settings we ensure that anyone trying to access your data has to follow your exact privacy preferences - it's not just a policy, it's built into the system itself.

Technical Implementation Details

The core of our technology leverages Multi-Party Computation (MPC) to enable third parties to compute authorized inferences without ever accessing the underlying raw financial data. Through our proprietary implementation of secure multiparty computation protocols, we create cryptographic circuits that precisely match your consent specifications. These circuits ensure that only the explicitly authorized computations can be performed on your data, making it mathematically impossible for third parties to exceed their authorized access scope.

Each inference request triggers a distributed computation protocol where the raw data remains encrypted and fragmented. Our TSS implementation ensures that signing keys for data access are never reconstructed in a single location, while our MPC protocol enforces that only pre-approved computational circuits can be executed.

Privacy Enforcement Mechanism

This creates a cryptographically enforced privacy boundary where third parties receive only the specific insights you've authorized, with mathematical guarantees that neither the raw data nor unauthorized inferences can be extracted.

How We Protect You

  • You maintain complete control over what information third parties can access
  • Third parties only receive specific insights you've authorized, never your raw financial data
  • Our proprietary technology mathematically enforces these privacy controls, making unauthorized access impossible

Your Rights

  • Choose exactly what data can be analyzed
  • Specify precisely what insights third parties can receive
  • Revoke access at any time

By proceeding, you're enabling a cryptographically secured privacy framework that provides mathematical guarantees for your data privacy preferences.